21 questions for Frankie

I had an idea to ask the girls questions about me one day and I really loved their answers. Actually, I loved most of their answers. Some were not my fav, but probs a good dose of medicine. It was so fun to sit and talk with them and see what and how they think. This is what I used for my questions (cause I’m British at heart):

21 questions to ask kids about their mom, dad, grandparents... I'm pretty sure a 4 year olds answers would be quite HILLARIOUS:
1. What is something mommy always says to you?
“Blow your nose.”
2. What makes mommy happy?  
“Cleaning up our room.”
3. What makes mommy sad?
“Not cleaning up our room.”
4. How does mommy make you laugh?
“Tickling. And also saying funny words.”
5. What was mommy like as a child?       
“Ummmm, blond hair. Where did you live? In the woods, or not in the woods?”
 6. How old is mommy?
7. How tall is mommy?
“Uhhh, let me count… 20.”
 8. What is mommy’s favorite thing to do?
“Play games. And watch Dr. Phil.”
9. What does mommy do when you’re not around?
“Clean up.”
10. If mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?
“It would be for getting a clean house. And being the famous rock tv star.”  (how did she know???)
11. What is mommy really good at?
“She’s really good at being mad.  (insert sad face here) Ok, she’s really good at being an expert mom.”
12. What is mommy not very good at?
“You’re not very good at climbing.” (I beg to differ)
 13. What does mommy do for her job?
“She does working. Like cleaning up and laundry and reading Ramona.” (True dat)
14. What is mommy’s favorite food?
“Macaroni and cheese and fish.”
15. What makes you proud of mommy?
“When we watch tv. (explains) having a party at our house.”
 16. If mommy was a cartoon character, who would she be?
“You would be Ariel.”
 17. What do you and mommy do together?
“Play in the snow. Do stuff at school, like, when we’re having a party.”
 18. How are you and mommy the same?
“We have the same blue eyes.”
 19. How are you and mommy different?
“We don’t have the same hair.”
 20. How do you know mommy loves you?
“Cause you already love us. (how do you know though?) Right now.”
 21. Where is mommy’s favorite place to go?
“At a lighthouse. And at the beach.” (#nailedit)

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