
On January 30th my washing machine sprung a major leak. None of my old faithful tricks worked, and it ended up going through the drywall and onto the lower level. Since then laundry has been super touch and go. And frustrating. And messy. We finally figured out what we wanted to do and got on schedule to do it and today was the big day. Or, the second or third big day, since they cut the 4×4 square of drywall in the ceiling a while back. Anywho, this is now my bedroom. I haven’t done laundry in 10 days and it shows. 

And this is now my laundry room. It’s super fun. 

I’ve decided I wouldn’t make a good and patient woman living in construction. Or at least not this kind, unplanned and unwanted. In addition the the laundry room, half of our houses lights are out from a project to replace our porch lights. Uhhh-to-the-gggghhhh. 

Anyway. Today was a special day. I was able to meet up with N and L and dress Sister Everett. It was special and sacred and I’m grateful to have been able to be a part of it. It’s my first funeral and its been a very spiritual experience. 
Ballet and piano and PTA this evening. 

I have found myself busier than I’d hoped. I have enjoyed PTA, but I really wish I could somehow get out of it for next year. I hadn’t anticipated a huge calling change when I committed to two years.  I feel ok balancing it all, but it’s a lot on my family. We will figure it out and make it all work. We always do. (:

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