Today and Wednesday and another day

Today was a good day. Good church, choir, visits, time at home. Matt taught his first eq lesson and it went really well. All around a wonderful sabbath. These sillies had fun playing winter with their hats and scarves. Cute homeless kids. 

And flash to Wednesday the 8th. Frankie had a program at school where they sang each of the military songs – Frankie’s class sang the Army one, and all the kids sang the Navy one together. Frankie also thought she was going to sing the Marine one, so she and the little cutie to her right belted that out too with one of the other classes. Frankie is like me, she likes to sing loud and proud, come what may with what sound comes out. She had chin out and up, head high, mouth wide. I. Loved. It. 

She also got to go to MakerSpace. 

That night was our off night for carpool. Our beautiful situation got mixed up and now we’ll do both girls every other week. Not the worst, but not the princess setup we had at first. Ads and I went on a date before A days. She chose Nicoletti’s pizza. 

It was super tasty and we had a good time. 

She is an odd little bird and sometimes I have to fight my own insecurities of wanting her to fit in and fly straight. She’s her own fun, quirky, precious little person and I am trying hard to let her stretch her weird little wings and fly. 

We had a few minutes to kill so we went to our new Hobby Lobby for the first time. I bought almost all of our knick-knacks stuff for our first home together in nm at HL. Addie is a fan as well and asked for this picture to prove it. 

A days and that quirky girl strikes again!

Tuesday was picture day and I had to laugh at Addie’s almost done hair. She and I had a difference of opinion in how we thought her hair should look, so I am just hoping her pic is better than last times. That shouldn’t be hard. P

And another day after baths she squeezed her old daisy hat on her head and wore it around our house all afternoon. She looked hilarious! Every time I looked at her I chuckled. Love this little weirdo!

This turned into a bit of an ode to Addie. She’s pretty awesome though, so that’s ok. 

Veterans Day ‘ 17

I already wrote this post once and it became yet another victim to the horror that is BlogTouch. This post will not be nearly as witty as the last one. #angryposting
This morning was our small town Veterans Day parade. We go every year and for the last 5 years have had Girl Scouts marching in it. Sadly this year we had to divide and conquer because I had church obligations. Thankfully Matt is an awesome daddy and always willing to step up and step in. Also, it was so, so cold this morning – 28 degrees when they left!

It was D the Daisey’s first parade and she was SO excited! I didn’t even recognize her in this pic, no skirt and plus a hat, it does not compute. She thought it was hilarious that I had to ask her where she was (I skimmed). Matt reported that the girls didn’t complain about the cold (they were layered within an inch of their lives) and had a great time. They’ve been singing the Army song (and the army goes rolling along) and you’re a grand old flag, and we’re all feeling very patriotic. We love our veterans!

While they marched, Addie and I finished up at church and went shopping. We had a fun girls afternoon trying on hats and checking out the goods. 

Addie tried out this giant mug. She asked me to take a picture but then kept moving. I had to remind her i was not taking a video. 

Matt and I did some planning when I got home. We’ve got loads of projects and they’re getting away from us. We’ve picked a weekend in January to paint and do some other fun projects so it’s time to prep and make some decisions! And I’m not great at decisions!
Matt and Frankie went on a Veterans Day date and I did one of my least favorite mom jobs in my favorite mom apron – changing out the seasonal clothing. I’m almost done – hallelujah. 

Feels like Saturday

Friday off for Veterans Day and all day I’ve been thinking it was Saturday. Yay for another Saturday tomorrow! I’ve been watching the training disc for book 2 of tutoring. Each disc is 3 hours, plus the tutoring time for Frankie and my other cute student, which has made life a little more busy. I just keep going back to feeling so lead to this path, I know it will work out. Frankie listened along while I finished up this portion of training. 

Nanny brought a blank book when she came to visit, so Addie got busy writing and illustrating a graphic novel. 

And one of my personal favorite accomplishments – finishing up items. Franks finished some milk for me. Exciting times. 

The girls had a makeup piano lesson this morning, and the whole Nelson clan came along, including grands from Virginia. They braved the firigid temps at the park this afternoon. 

Too bad I had to stay inside since it was bryn’s naptime. Wink, wink. 

I had to run to the dentist for a new retainer fitting. My new crown threw everything off. But the gang enjoyed some hot cocoa after their playtime. 

Delaney and her bud Payton. 

We had the Dorn’s over to play. They all got along so well, Addie cane to me to say she wished they could be her brothers and sister. 💕 dogpiles do tend to bring people together. 

And movie night! 

Also, Addie made this cute plaque at A Days on Wednesday. More on that to come.

After such a beautiful and tame Autumn, it’s finally turned cold and I’m not feeling ready. The older I get the less I like the cold. Maybe that’s why they all move to Florida? Good grief, I’m already an old lady. 
We’re neck deep in Halloween stuff still. And paint stuff, not to mention the 6 different paint samples smacked on several walls. Add to that the couch yard our house has become and it’s all kid of a hot mess. But it’s our hot mess, and we love each other, so that’s something.

Turkeys and some more Halloween

Monday is our piano day. This girl is a really good little pianist. She really wants to do band next year, and we think we’ll let her, but she’s got to continue piano. She’s gifted. 

This morning D finished up her turkey disguise project. She came up with the idea to make the turkey – Tomalina, a flower farming turkey, and she cut out all the cloths by herself.  

She worked hard writing about her turkey this morning. 

I had a double sided list that I swore I’d get finished today. And I got about halfway. I did go shopping (3 stores!), make a delicious dinner, take girls to piano, and help with a really great fhe about the sacrament. And there’s always tomorrow. Also, it was a beautiful day! Perfect temperature and a thunderstorm tonight to top it off. 
And back to Halloween. 
My crooked cat whiskers. Back to my “good enough” motto. 

Laura caught me in the background of her pic, my least favorite thing ever. So then she got the shot below, and sent them both to Jospeh. I miss that boy! And his female counterpart. 

I love T-or-T’ing in the daylight. It’s so much more enjoyable!

And it was so warm that we didn’t even need sweaters. And I looove pure happy kid faces!

Black Licorice herself! I don’t know where she comes up with this stuff!


And some Halloween frolicking and merriment. 

More Halloween to come! Edge of seat excitement!

Weekend and Halloween beginnings

Navy weekend! It was just us gals and it was actually really great. We had a couple double jobs since we missed some things on Friday. We had double piano (twice), double tutoring (we finished the first book!), cleaning, laundry, and lesson prep. Also, Addie found her Daisy hat and squeezed it on her big head. She looked hilarious!

We also took down some Halloween. I found this adorable skeletons that Bubba made, circa 2003. Back before he told his teachers his name was “chris.”

Matt had a good weekend too. He met up and stayed the night with dan, who was also working   Those crazies for a bunch of potato/pasta salads and rented a movie. 

We fell back this morning, holla! Even though falling back is dreamy in the sleep department (except I fool myself into thinking I’m gonna get more sleep, so I stay up later and still wake up around the same time) I think it’s really stupid. Da Rays!

I taught about Priesthood in RS. It was one of those lessons where I had a ton of info but i just couldn’t organize it into something cohesive. Not my best lesson, but I tried. 
Tonight we went to the Darrow’s for lasagna and friend time. Without playgroup we see each other so rarely. It always feels like life will slow down and we’ll spend more time together, but then when will that happen? Life is funny. 
And now a few from Halloween. Because you have to start somewhere. Addie as Black Licorice (a witch she made up), Frankie as Super Girl (not Wonder Woman, she made her own new sign), and D as a black cat to go with a friends witch costume (even though we didn’t T-or-T together).

We met up for dinner at the Streeter’s at 4:30, so it was still super bright when we took pics. 

Delaney stayed in character nicely. 

We set up our candy outside before we left. I asked Addie to make a sign for the candy and for the teal pumpkin bowl too. Of course she came up with an elaborate rhyme/riddle, and I had to have her tone it down. Artist through and through. 

And because food is always important – our mummy spinach dip. 

And our skeleton veggie platter. 

More Halloween to come. 

Cws and also Sotterly

Today was a good day. First of all, it was like 80 degrees. It was also Matt’s day off and we went to lunch and for a walk. It was lovely. 

I also had my 2nd tutoring session. My blogging has been so sporadically terrible that I don’t even know what or how much I’ve written about Frankie and her suspected dyslexia. So, in a nutshell, we suspect she has dyslexia. But at this point we aren’t willing to spend the several thousand dollars it would cost to have a neuro-psychologist test her, because that’s not a “medical” issue and is not covered by insurance. 😡😤😫 
Through a series of God directed events, I was put into contact with a dyslexia tutoring business and was able to get a job with them. For right now I have one student at a private school that I am able to tutor 3 times a week during the day, and that enables me to tutor Frankie for free. That alone is the biggest blessing of all because I’m really loving working one-on-one with her, and tutoring runs around $45 per hour, and they recommend 3 hours a week. 😮 
Hopefully in the next few months I will have a few more students to make my drive worthwhile, but for now, my one cute girl is perfect. I didn’t want to work outside the home just yet, but this feels really inspired and I am so thankful. I’m also thankful for November. 
Matt is finishing up a class at work and had a bunch of homework to do, so the girls and I crashed the Aina’s and had pizza there. The girls had a blast and it was so nice to visit with my friends. These two precious girls are best buddies!
And in catching up news. Last Saturday a group of friends went and did the Sotterly Plantation Ghost Walk. 

We’ve wanted to do it every year, and this year we finally made it happen. Sotterly is gorgeous, even in the dark, and it was the most beautiful night! I even got a little warm in my jacket and lightweight scarf. 

The Ghost Walk was kind of cheesy, but also interesting. I wish the stories were more based on legend and they gave more info. But, you know. 

After the Ghost Walk we all went to Outback. It was so tasty and we scored ourselves a free Sinful Sundae so it was awesome. 

Matt’s such a turd to take pictures with. 

I was trying to photobomb them, but was a touch too slow. 

So then we had a staged one. 

We love our good friends and our wonderful community. Love, love, love. 


Just to be clear, i wrote a whole post a few days ago and it disappeared because BlogTouch (Pro?!?) is literally the worst. I also composed a whole bunch of posts in my head, so I’m not off the wagon, but I am holding on by a thread. 

Addie had a tummy ache and came home from running club today, and Brownies got cancelled, so we found ourselves with nothing all evening. I had a tummy ache myself (because even 39 year olds can’t resist Halloween candy) so we decided to watch a midweek movie before we do any home work. We so rarely have days with nothing going on, so I’m not feeling guilty at all. 
There’s been some major candy trades happening all afternoon. 

“How many for a Hershey’s?” D is all about the “Hershey’s.”

This was yesterday when we organized her candy. I helped because I love candy too. 

And Halloween night, admiring her haul. She wanted to spend some time t’or’t’ing “alone,” so after the little girls pooped out, Darlaina and I walked her and Ashby around until the were thoroughly done. 

Grandpa left yesterday, and last Monday morning mom left, and that evening grandpa came. Having guests is always fun, but it’s been busy. More on that to come, but for now, enjoy some awkward school photos. 4th grade version, or the abused. 

2nd grade variety, or the alien. 

And kindergarten, or the robot. 

Needless to say, we’ll be doing retakes. 
And also, when mom was here she brought us boxes and boxes of stuff from her house. I took pics of everything and wrote down whatever stories she could remember. Apparently grandma Frances Seagrove used to cover everything in fabric, a little waste not, want not, ifyouwill. And I will. So this was one of her boxes. It’s so pretty and sweet, I’m not sure what I’ll keep in it, but I love it. 

(don’t mind my pink thumbnail, all’s fair in love and crazy hair days)

Of rainy days and blessing fleets

Monday’s post:

Nothing noteworthy today. It rained. I went to the dentist for root canal part 5. Now they will make the overpriced crown and I get to go back once more. Not for nothing, but I’m pretty much a perfect dental patient. I regularly get told they wish all patients were like me. I’m basically a gold mine what with all my root canals and other tooth problems. And I’m super well behaved, i hold my mouth open and since I’ve had natural childbirth I’m really good at staying calm. #winning

I shopped for Cookies and Canvas stuff at Wally. We had our week of event meeting. We ate leftovers and went to piano. Regular, regular. 
But back on October 8 we had a great day! Our first Blessing of the Fleet and it was so nice. 
D was sooo stoked that we got to ride a school bus to the venue from the parking lot. Only her second bus ride and it was ah-mazing. 

We got there just after they started, so we got to see the prayer of blessing and the national anthem. Matt’s patented “bored” picture. 

And a nornal(ish) one. 

It was a beautiful day, not too hot, not too cold. 

We got balloon creations from the balloon nerd. 

 Because we were so early we didn’t have to wait for anything, all day!

How cute are these?

We walked right onto our pony rides. 

That too small farm cutie hat is a hoot. Time to order new ones!

We got a military discount so we only paid $10 to get in and everything else was free. It was so awesome. 

Like a moth to the flame. 

This little 4-H’r was super excited to show the girls her bunnies and chicks. 

The farm cutie and her sisters loved them. 

Chicks, man. (I miss The Soup)

Then they did some roping. 

Frankie was best, then Addie, then Farm Cutie. 

Took her a long while, (surprising with that form!) but she didn’t give up. Even after I tried to coax her to move on because she’d tried so hard, she was having none of it. She knew she could rope that steer (sounds right?) and rope it she did. 

In between bounce house jumping we watched a storyteller and puppet show. Have I mentioned there was no waiting? It was so nice!

Addie and Frankie also climbed the rock wall a few times. There was a little train, so we caught that and took it around by the water and back again. 

Front of the train and back of the train. That’s how we roll. 

We waited for the aina’s to arrive before heading out to the island. The girls were so excited to see their friends!

We headed straight out to the boat and walked right on. 

I’ve grown accustomed to his nerd hat. It doesn’t even phase me anymore. 

Big girl friends. 

Little girl friends. 

Can’t believe these babies are already in kindergarten. 

Odd man out. She was my boat buddy. 

On a boat. 

And another boat! They had the replica of The Maryland Dove there at the place of its first landing. It’s always fun to explore. 

I love how both Addie and Frankie are holding Adeline’s hand. They want another little sister so bad!

Then we went to the lighthouse. This was a cute shot, but then they moved. Basically Laney was hugging Ellie from behind and it was really sweet. But then this happened and it’s not as sweet. 

It’s always tricky when you’ve got a million kids trying to walk the precarious steps of a lighthouse. Add trying to squeeze into a little cupola via a ladder, and all sorts of fun happens. Isla was loving it. 😂

Everyone loves Isla. It was hot in the cupola so Addie held her in front of the breezy window.  

Then we let the kids play at the beach. We found some sea glass and shells. 

The big girls talked big girl stuff and explored. 

Awhile longer on the island and then it was time to head back. The girls thought it was awesome that they got to ride inside the captains quarters. Or something. 

They also thought it was so cray- ray that there was a toilet in there too. “Why is there a toilet?” Kids ask the best questions. 

Happy girls. All the happy girls. 

We are a happy family!

After the boat rides we checked out the firefighters fun. 

Super… girl?

The girls did some more rock wall climbing. They did so good!

They were sooo close to the top. And then we parents find ourselves treading the fine line between encouraging and feeling like we’re forcing them. Fine line indeed, huh Addie. 

Sooo close to the top! She got up a few steps even from here, but she psyched herself out. 

After the kid stuff finished (5 maybe?) they did the bike raffle. Since we won the last bike raffle we entered, we were pretty excited. 

Frankie got chosen to draw the boy bike winner. 

And then the boy winner drew the girl winner. We didn’t win, but we did cheer on and congratulate the winners. 

Then it was time for some dirty fair food. Shrimp for the franks. 

Chicken and crab cakes for the rest of us. And then funnel cakes all around. 

It was while eating our nutritious dinner that Addie leaned over and said “today was a good day.” And it was.

So perfect. 

So longs

We had a 3:30 wake up call from a certain girl who’d had an accident, and it turns out she woke up the whole house. Mom, matt, and I all had trouble getting back to sleep. Not the best way to start the day. :/
But the rest of the day was good. We invited Jodie and Wade for dinner for their last night in town, and also the Weist’s who just moved back to the SMC. I’ve been wanting to take them dinner, but having them over was way more fun. 
Mom and I cooked all morning and then ran some errands. She bought each of the girls a book from the book fair, we cleaned out Jodie’s fridge, hit Aldi, and found a killer deal on green chilis at Giant. 
We had a lovely dinner and will miss our dear friends. LG just won’t be the same. 

And also, Delaney and Frankie set the table for us and D made a seating chart for everyone. First she asked what Sister Vera’s name was. Then she assigned seats with “West dad,” and “Buxton mom.” Little kids are awesome. 
Lots of moving parts, but they’re all moving, so that’s good. Tomorrow is Cookies and Canvas and it’s gonna be awesome. (the power of positive thinking)

Nanny comes to town

We had a nice ladies luncheon for Jodie today in which I took 0 pictures. Oooops. We had about 10 ladies here. We haven’t done a lunch in sooo long, we definitely need to do it more often. 
We hit up the book fair and then the real excitement of the day happened – nanny came! We dragged her to dance and fed her leftover potato soup, basically we pull out all the stops for our guests. 
She helped Frankie with all of her homework and I’m basically smitten with this grandma thing. I was never not smitten, but holy wonderful. Everyone wins when g-parents and g-kids are close. 

Lexi asked if nanny had arrived so we sent this pre-bedtime beauty. She’s been taunting me all day with the grandma with a white wig emoji, this one actually 👵🏻. 

A few weeks ago we got our Halloween. This fun ensued:

They are such wacky girls. 

Love them. 

Delaney claims she hated her cupcake. False. 

Addie begged to be the white queen again, too bad it’s 6 inches too short. 

Tonight Darlaina, Jodie, and I are headed out for our last lg walk. Wah.